Accès aux replays des APaRO webinars SFPIO :
" Péri implantites et résultats à long terme " Johan Caspar Wohlfahrt
" Periodontal regeneration in esthetic area " Martina Stefanini
APaRO webinar SFPIO du Mercredi 22 avril 2020 à 18h - En anglais
" Péri implantites et résultats à long terme "
Conférencier : Johan Caspar Wohlfahrt
Modérateur : Corinne Lallam
Intervention de 5min de notre partenaire Colgate 

Vous pouvez revoir gratuitement ce webinar ici

" Periodontal regeneration in esthetic area "
Conférencier : Martina Stefanini
Martina Stefanini animera également le prochain congrès SFPIO Paris 23 janvier 2021
Modérateur : David Nisand
Vous pouvez revoir gratuitement ce webinar ici
Résumé :
The outcomes of the regenerative therapy in the esthetic area are not only the resolution of the intrabony defect but also the improvement of soft tissue esthetic appearance.
The proposed procedure combining a papilla preservation technique with a connective tissue graft below the coronally advanced flap to act as the buccal “soft tissue wall” of the intrabony defect treated with amelogenin increase the blood clot stability in order to obtain periodontal regeneration and improve the esthetic result.
Soft tissue prognostic factor influencing the selection criteria for regenerative therapy or tooth extraction will be discussed
Learning objectives:
1)Which are the prognostic factors for the success of the regenerative therapy?
2)Which are the criteria to determine whether to maintain a tooth with an infrabony defect or extract it?
3)Is it really possible to improve esthetic outcomes in regenerative surgery?